The Tiji festival is a three-day ritual known as "The chasing of the Demons", centered around the Tiji myth celebrated in Mustang, Nepal. Tiji tells the story of a deity named Dorje Jono who must battle against his demon father to save the Kingdom of Mustang from destruction. The demon father wreaks havoc on Mustang by creating a water shortage which, in this extremely arid land, is the most precious life-sustaining resource. Dorje Jono eventually defeats the demon and banishes him from the land. 

Himalayas of nepal

Nepal Himalayas, eas-central tsection and highest part of the Himalayan mountain ranges in south-central Asia, extending some 500 miles (800 km) from the Kali River east to the Tista River.
The range occupies most of Nepal and extends into theTibet Autonomous Region of China and Sikkim state inIndia. The Nepal-Tibet border roughly follows the line of the highest part of the range (the Great Himalayas), featuring several of the world’s highest peaks: Everest (29,035 feet [8,850 metres]), Kanchenjunga (28,169 feet [8,586 metres]), Makalu (27,766 feet [8,463 metres]), Dhaulagiri I (26,795 feet [8,167 metres]), Manaslu I (26,781 feet [8,163 ... (100 of 276 words)
Some Nepal Himalayas Picture

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